Friday, March 23, 2012

Egg drop results

The exterior was compromised of styrofoam. While the interior consisted of tightly compacted newspaper

Results of the drop:

The Egg as you can see was a wreak. The Styrofoam transfered the momentum to the egg itself instead of absorbing the impact. the interior that was supposed to protect the egg did not absorb the impact but transferred it. The construct as a whole acted as one construct that absorbed the full impact crushing the egg.

Accuracy: Our construct fell in the first ring out of five rings. Thus we also claim the second, and third ring, as well as the butcher paper achivements.
Weight: Under 150 grams. Exactly 115.4 grams. Thus we also have the under 500, 300, and 200 grams.
Drop time: about a second so as a result we can claim the following the: 2 second, 3 second, 4 second, and 5 second achievements

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